Pledge of Allegiance


I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag,


and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands,


One Savior, Crucified,


and coming again,


With life and liberty for all who believe.

The Fellowship Of Faith's Projects

The Fellowship Of Faith has a long and proud history of providing outreach and support to our communities. We have included a partial list of our successful community programs.


Some of our most successful programs include:

***Serving Washington County and its surrounding areas***


Building Men for the Kingdom!
College & High School Ministry

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Women's Ministry



Under the direction of First Lady Theresa Nelson, GUM Ministry is an outreach ministry available for women of all ages to explore the unique gift God has placed within themselves.  Women will develop their gifts by participating in christian based supportive workshops and activities designed to impact the growth of other believers while also stengthening their christian faith in The Most High God.    

Grace Youth Ministry

Our future generation and generations to come need to learn God's Word in a way that helps them to understand and make decisions to follow God's Word.  We value the importance of prayer, reading, and applying God's Word in our lives.  Through practice of christian based activities, we gives students the opportunity to learn about God's love, true worship to God, the importance of leadership, how to live among godly lives amongst all people, and how to share His love with others.

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© The Fellowship Of Faith